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Happy Heavenly Birthday!



This birthday wish is not the ordinary kind, It's still filled with love...and blessings inside;
But mine has to be sent on the wings of love...You see it's destination is the Heavens above.
It's being sent to my daughter...who left earth so soon,
Who's now in the Heavens with the stars and the moon. 

I Love sweet precious child of mine; My love is deeper than the ocean is blue,
And it's sent with hugs and kisses...from me to you. I know you are with me each and every day,
You listen as I talk to you...and hear what I say; for that is one thing that death cannot do...'ll always be a part of me...and me a part of you! Happy Birthday Katelyn...I miss you so very much,
I know you know how many lives you have touched; You'll always be mine...
I Love You with ALL MY HEART,
I know we'll be together again...and then we'll never part!

 So you see the meaning is still the same...The method of delivery is the only change;
Mine must be sent by a butterfly...On the wings of HEAVENLY LOVE!


12-years old!!!! My baby is a pre teen!!! :)  I can't help but sit here and smile thinking of what my precious Angel would be like at 12!! Everyone who had the pleasure of knowning Katelyn is truly blessed and forever touched! She showed us how to really live each day to its fullest and how to make the best of out of every situation!! What an absolutely precious and amazing gift I recieved 12-yrs ago!!! I couldn't be more proud of my baby!!! 

Happy 12th Birthday Katelyn!! We ALL love you and miss you beyond words!!!

cupcake with birthday candle 


WOW! My beautiful amazing baby, Katelyn,

would be 11-yrs old this year! I pray and hope that everyone near and dear to Katelyn does something in honor of her life!

Big or small, it doesn’t matter, just keep her memory alive!!

Happy Birthday Sugar!!!

gift boxgift box


It has been 1 1/2-yrs since our sweet precious Katelyn has made Heaven her home! This year, 2009, on May 24th she would have been 10-years old! Another year she will spend her birthday away from us.....but with God in Heaven! Selfishly I wish she were here. We had so many plans for her big 10! Even though she is physically gone she will ALWAYS be a huge part of my heart and NEVER away from my thoughts! This year, again, I invite everyone to light a candle and share a memory in rememberence and in honor of her life as this is the only gift we can now give her!

cupcake with birthday candle


On May 24th, 9-yrs ago, my sweet beautiful Katelyn came into this world! We celebrate this day in 2008 with it being her first birthday in Heaven. I invite everyone to light a candle and share a memory in rememberence and in honor of her life as this is the only gift we can now give her! She touched so many hearts and left such a huge impact on this world! I miss her in ways I never knew were possible and long for the day we will be together again in Heaven!!!!!














gift box gift box







One Wish

Your time here was shorter
than I wanted it to be,
and every moment you've been gone,
there's emptiness in me.

I hoped we'd have a lifetime
that I could share with you,
I hoped and wished for many things
that now will not come true.

But no matter what may come my way,
I'll always have one wish:
to tell you, now and ever more;
how much you're loved and missed!













I'm sending this message

To you my sweet Angel up above,
Delivered through prayer,
From a heart filled with love!



Mommy May 25, 2011
12-yrs old!!
Tuesday May 24th, 2011

I can not believe my baby is a pre-teenager!! :) Had a small party today for you at the cemetery! We all sang Happy Birthday to you, cha cha style thanks to Madi!! LOL Then we all sent you balloons including baby Aiden!! We ate cupcakes sprinkled with pink, purple, and green!!! Madi ran and got some silly string out of my car and sprayed everybody!! Of course Audrey cried! :( We got Nat in the face with icing (she was such a good sport) and Uncle Jamie got me...I got him back though so no worries! :) It was a great time! We left you a cupcake! ;) I love you so very much!! I could feel you all around me the last couple of days!!
Thank-you! Happy Birthday Sugar!! :) 
Mommy May 24, 2010
The Big 11!

Happy Birthday my sweet Angel!!

Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday dear Katelyn,

Happy Birthday to you!!

Loving you with all my heart and wishing you were here with all my heart! Sending you a million birthday hugs and a trillion birthday kisses on butterfly wings!

Melissa & Alex Diersing June 16, 2008
Birthday Balloon

Hello.  We just wanted to let you know that my 8 year old son, Alex, found one of your daughter's red birthday balloons over Memorial Day weekend.  He was standing in our neighbor's yard (whose daughter's name is Katelyn )and found it across the fence.  We live in Ross, Ohio (close to Hamilton).  What a special tribute to your daughter!  Sounds like the green balloon made it to heaven with her.

Your website is wonderful and our prayers are with you in your loss.


Melissa & Alex Diersing   

Diana Cook June 9, 2008
Birthday Balloons
Hello. I just wanted to let you know that we found one of Katelyn's balloons over Memorial Day weekend. We were camping with our extended family and my nephew Josh who turned 3 in October found it in the woods by the creek where they were playing. We live between New Paris & Eldorado. I'm sorry for your loss, it is obvious that Katelyn was very special to you and I'm sure you miss her. This is a nice website. Thanks for introducing us to your daughter.
Tom & Diana Cook
Chelle May 28, 2008
Happy Birthday!

Katelyn we had an awesome party yesterday for you, i wish so bad you were there! we looked at pictures from your party last year, that was alot of fun! We let off balloons for you as well i hope mine reaches all the way up to you! :) your Mommy did a really good job on your party yesterday everything was perfect! i love you katelyn and i miss you so much!!!

tom julie and thomas May 24, 2008
happy birthday sweetheart

Sweetheart the one memory that sticks out in my mind is the day that you were born. It was the greatest day of your moms life. when we went to see you in the hospital your mom was so tired yet she was smiling from ear to ear as she always does. You were the most beautiful baby in the hospital. That will allways be the best memory of you. Happy Birthday my little angel. You will always be in my heart and in my memories. We love and miss you very much sweetheart.

Angela Willoughby May 24, 2008
Happy Heavenly Birthday

Happy Birthday Katelyn,

   Today I told Jacob that we would be going to the cemetary today to see you.  As soon as I started talking about you he instantly started smiling.  I know he misses you as much as I do, maybe even a little more.  You and him had such a connection, one that will never be replaced by anyone.  We have your pictures up in his room and every time he lays on his therapy table he sees you, but I am sure he sees you more than we will ever be able too.  You always made him smile and everyone else too.  I remember the times you would play "hard to get" with him and then when your mom and I were not looking you would raise your shirt up or grab his hand.  Your were such a little sneak.  Then when we would catch you, you would just start laughing.   You were so ornery.  That is just one of the things we love so much about you.

  Beacuse of you, Your mom and I formed a friendship that will outlast time.  You have brought so much into my life even though your's was so short.  You have made me cherish each blessed day I have with my children, especially Jacob and to smile through all the hard times.  You showed such endurance and spunk throughout your brief 8 years that most people are not able to show in a lifetime.  You made people laugh when we didn't think laughter was possible.  I remember so many times but one more of my favorites was when I watched you by myself.  That did not happen very often but I am proud to say that I was one of the lucky ones.  The one time we were watching CMT and the "TODAY" song came on and I started singing it to you and you started cracking up.  We were laughing so hard your face was turning red.  That was such a great time.  From then on everytime I see you I would sing "TODAY" to you over and over again and you would start laughing.  I never knew when I sang that song to you that one day it would come true.  So on your 9th Birthday in Heaven  " I wonder who you would be today."  Love to you forever,  Angie and Jacob Willoughby

Aunt Ashley May 24, 2008

  Katelyn it is 2:37 a.m. on your 9th birthday and me, your mommy, grandma Christie, and Jamie just got back from visiting with you! We are all very crazy I know this, but of course it was your moms idea  But very well worth it to be the first ones to sing Happy Birthday to you and the first to visit on your birthday at exactly 2:14!

Your mommy and I made a bunch of the same butterfly cupcakes tonight that we had made on your birthday last year. We all wish you were here with us so you could enjoy them again this year too!

Now for my memory...

  I remember the first time that I was gonna babysit you all night, it was New Years eve night and mommy and daddy had went to daddy's friends house for a party. Everything was going great until it was time to put you to sleep and of course that was not an easy task.

  I was doing the whole rock, bounce, and walk thing and you were still just a screaming away all of a sudden a walked over to the sink and turned around and you had gotten sick and it went from the sink all the way over to the table.

  I was totally freaking out..well freaking out wasnt even the words for it, so of course I called your mom right away scared to death because I had never seen anything like that before. And she just starts laughing because she obviously had seen it before and was used to it, but nooooooooooo she couldnt warn me about it ! So I ruined the night and made them leave the party early to come take care of you!

So from there on I was so afraid to watch you all by myslef, especially right after you had eaten your bottle!


Well Katelyn me and Jamie love and miss you very much. Its a shame we have to celebrate your birthday this way. But for once you can eat all the cake and ice cream without any worries! Hope you have a WONDERFUL 9th birthday. And watch down on your mommy and daddy!

Mommy May 24, 2008
2:14 am
Grandma, Aunt Ashley, Jamie, & I went out to see you this morning! We were there to bring in your "official" birthday with you, at 2:14am! Aunt Ashley and I fell asleep waiting but we set an alarm clock to make sure we got up in time! We're getting too old to stay up so late anymore, LOL. We all sang Happy Birthday to you and left you a cupcake! The same kind Aunt Ashley & I made for you last year with butterflies on them! I brought 9 balloons out for you but in trying to get them tied together one slipped away! It was a dark green one, your birthstone, how fitting!!!! I guess you wanted that one now!!!! We did all of this without getting caught by the cops, what a relief. I love you so much sweet pea! I can't believe your 9-yrs old now!!!! You are always with me in my heart, thoughts, and in spirit!!! I love you so much, Happy Birthday! I hope you're having one huge party today in Heaven!!!
Mommy May 16, 2008
Happy Birthday!!

I have been searching for just the perfect memory to share but I am having a hard time narrowing it down as all my memories with you are perfect! It is hard to believe 9-yrs ago you came into my life and blessed it in so many unimaginable ways! 9-yrs old! WOW! You were always so much older though in the things you were interested in and your personality!


On Sunday May 23rd about 4am I woke up and started having labor pains. I wasn’t sure if they were true contractions though. They went on off and on all day but I still was not sure- I think it was more denial; after all you were 1 ½-wks early! My due date was originally June 2nd. On Friday, May 21st I had had an OBGYN checkup and the doctor said you weren’t ready at all and with you being my first I would probably go late. I put off going to the hospital that day as long as I could because I feared I’d get there and they would tell me it was just Braxton Hicks and to go home but come 9pm I was ready! You were born at Miami Valley, 1-hr away, I don’t remember much of that ride except for one imparticular car on the road that night that we couldn’t get around and it seemed that he couldn’t possibly go any slower! That’s the only thing I remember really getting upset about. We got to the hospital and a few short hours later you entered into the world at 2:14am. You weighed 7-lbs 6 ¼-oz, 20-in long, blue eyes, and tons of dark brown hair. You were absolutely the most beautiful baby ever!!! And I am not the only one who thought thatJ The doctor did say that you were born with attitude!! If only he knew how true that was, although you didn’t have much of a choice, getting it from both sides!


A few days ago I developed some pictures that I had stored on the computer that I hadn’t gotten to yet and they were all of your birthday party last year, over 150 pictures! I think I am going to have to put an album on here just of that party…pictures are worth a thousand words! I wanted you to have a small party that was packed with fun. I just didn’t know it would be your lastL Remember we had the party at home with family and a few very close friends. We played the limbo, did the chicken dance, tried to do the Macarena (some better than othersJ), the Hokey Pokey, we had a balloon popping contest, and a pie eating contest. The pie eating contest I think was the best part! Aunt Ashley, Aunt Chelle, and Lyndie were the brave champs that participated in that. I got a regular sized graham cracker crust pie shell and filled it with pudding, gummi worms, and cool whip! The 3 were an absolute mess afterwards!! Aunt Ashley just had to share the mess with me all over the face and arms so I in turn had to share with you!!!! It was a great party and you got some great gifts! The party was a little much for you in the end but I think you still enjoyed yourself!


I hope your birthday is amazing in Heaven! You can finally eat all the cake and ice cream you want without fear of getting sick! You can finally dance, sing, and celebrate just the way you want without any limitations! I love you, my sweet precious beautiful Angel, with all my heart plus some! I ache for you more and more everyday but know we will be together again someday! You will always be #1 in my heart forever more!!! Happy Birthday Katelyn!!!!!!!!

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