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Happy Angelversary!

"With Gods Grace He Gives Me Strength.."

The butterfly symbolizes resurrection and eternal life, it emerges from its cocoon representing the resurrection of Christ from the tomb! Just as the butterfly comes forth with a new body, those who trust in Christ come forth with new life. The butterfly also represents flight, freedom, and creativeness! Angels are the butterflies here on Earth! My sweet beautiful Katelyn is my butterfly; laughing, running, flying, and carefree! Heaven is a sweeter place now that she is there!


Katelyn Will Forever Be Loved, Deeply Missed, & Always Remembered!!

"When someone you love becomes a memory

That memory becomes a treasure!!"


This poem was written by a dear friend, Richard, shortly after Katelyn went to Heaven. We were lucky to have had him in our life and to be able to call him a friend! Richard--THANK-YOU!!


Trapped in a body out of control.

Muscles and organs won't do what they're told.

Don't be fooled for a moment that I'm not in here somewhere.

Do what I don't like and you will be under my stare!

I have likes and dislikes just like you, don't you see.

Do something funny and I'll laugh with great glee.

I control my world with a smile, a frown,

and the wrinkle of my nose.

What truly lies in my heart only my mommy knows.

My time with you is short, I must answer my call.

From up in Heaven I will keep watch on you all.

Katelyn was just 8 1/2-yrs old when she went to live with her Lord in Heaven on October 10, 2007. She was one of those precious few creations that God took that little bit of extra time with, which is perhaps why we could only borrow her for a short while before she was called back to Heaven. She will definitely be an Angel with an attitude! All who knew Katelyn loved her and all who loved her will miss her dearly!

The glow in my heart shall never dim,

So long as your memory lives within!



The moment I knew that you had died

My heart split in two

One side filled with memories

The other died with you

I often lay awake at night

When the world is fast asleep

And take a walk down memory lane

With tears upon my cheek

Remembering you is easy

I do it every day

But missing you is a heartahce

That never goes away

I hold you tightly within my heart

And there you will remain

Life has gone on with out you

But it will never be the same!







Mommy October 10, 2011
4th Angelversary!

October 2011

There is not a day that goes by that I don’t think about you, treasure our times together, love you with all my heart, and wish so desperately that things were different and that we were together!! 4-yrs ago….I can’t believe it! It’s so surreal that it has been that long since daddy and I held you in our arms while you took your last breath! All day my mind keeps replaying the different accounts of that dreadful day that the doctor came in and told us you only had a few hours to a couple of days left with us!! Those words so….I am not sure there’s even a description of how that felt!! One could only begin to understand it if they were in that same position, watching their 8-yrs old daughter fading away!! You stuck with us for another 19-hrs or so until your body couldn’t endure anymore! Katelyn I need desperately for you to know that I will NEVER stop loving you, NOONE will ever replace you, and I will NEVER EVER forget you!! As long I have a breath in me you will ALWAYS be very near and extremely dear to me!! Heaven and Earth may be physically separating us but my love for you is keeping us together forever!!!!! As your headstone says…”You are an Angel who made a difference in the lives of those you’ve touched.” You truly WERE and ARE an Angel!! We were only so lucky to have had you in our life!! I love you my precious sweet pea with ALL my heart forever and ever!! Thank you from the ends of the earth for blessing my life and bringing all the joys of being YOUR mommy!!


Sending you hundreds of trillion Angel kisses and hundreds of million bear hugs, sent just for you on butterfly wings all the way up to Heaven!!
Edwina~Troy Mitchell's mum October 10, 2009

Remembering you


On your 2nd Angelversary




Remember me

Remember me when flowers bloom

early in the spring,

Remember me on sunny days

in the fun that summer brings.

Remember me in the fall

as you walk through the leaves of gold,

And in the winter - remember me

In the stories that are told.

But most of all remember

each day - right from the start,

I will be forever near

for I live within your heart.



Mommy October 9, 2009
Remembering & Loving You

Friday October 9th, 2009


Today, 2-yrs ago, was everyone’s last full day with you and for all but mommy and daddy was the last day they got to spend time with you! L It’s said that one can still hear what is going on around them when they are on “comfort medicines”. I sure hope that’s true! I hope and pray you knew how many people came to see you on that sad heartfelt Tuesday in ICU at Childrens and how many people loved you, no matter how long they knew you! When someone met you it was impossible not to fall in love with you from the very beginning! You were and are such an amazing little girl!! One could just look at you and tell!! J


I remember the doctor coming in around 4am to your room and telling me it was time to call daddy and get him here. My heart and head drowning with emotions, this could NOT be happening to my sweet baby!! When daddy arrived the doctor told us your lung, liver, and kidneys were failing and your carbon monoxide level was fatally high! He gave you a few hours to a couple of days maximum to live. I made a few phone calls and within hours lots of family and close friends were there with us, praying, reminiscing about better times, lending support, and sorrowfully and painfully saying their goodbyes. It was around 11ish pm when the last person left your room besides mommy and daddy. All the immediate family on both sides created beds, blankets, and pillows out of whatever they could find to sleep in the waiting room! Mommy & Daddy spent the last 1 ½-hr or so of your life alone with you cuddling and loving you not knowing when our last moment with you would beL When that final moment came disbelief and mind numbing excruciating pain set in!! I am very thankful however that the ones who loved you the most got to say their farewells and that mommy and daddy had a chance to spend some “alone time” with you and we were both with you during your final moments here on this Earth!


I love you my sweet pea forever and always and you will NEVER be forgotten!!!!!!

Mommy October 11, 2008
Missing You!!

A Daily Nightmare

I woke up this morning and you were not there.

I can't kiss your cheek or brush your hair.

The days of joy are over, the pain and sorrow start.

Because when you went to Heaven, you also took my heart.

I have to live my nightmare, each morning when I wake.

I have to feel the pain, with every breath I take.

With gut wrench sorrow and mind numbing pain.

I daily live this nightmare, over and over again.

Katelyn I love you more and more with each passing day! You are forever in my heart, thoughts, and prayers! I constantly dream of the day we are reunited! Bear hugs and Angel kisses are sent to you just from me! I LOVE YOU!

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