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Happy Angelversary!Did you know?Poetry CornerWho You'd be TodayHappy Valentines Day!Happy St. Patrick's ...Over The RainbowEaster WishesSweet 16!Merry ChristmasHappy Heavenly Birth...
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Mommy Happy happy 18th Bday! May 24, 2017
Happy BIG 18th birthday Katelyn! Went to have a picnic with you and do a balloon release after work today.....well we did it but in record time and ate our dinner in the car as it literally was pouring out and started lightening and thundering. :( Your balloons I don't think made it far either as the cards attached weighed them down to much! Made the same tags I always do and they have always still flown high, so not sure what was different this year!

I had so many plans in the past years for your 18th bday but it seems as time goes on it gets harder and harder. The things that use to comfort me....don't do so now. You hear the saying "with time all things heal", not sure that whoever said that never lost a child! Time doesn't heal, things were different the second you took your last breath and will never be the same again. It doesnt get better, it's just different!

I try to think about what you would look like now, all grown up. Whose features you'd have. What your interests would be. Your personality. Would we be touring colleges, what you would want your career to be as you enter your final year of high school. I try hard to imagine but I just can't. Fact is, you were robbed from day one of your life! But you never let that bring you down or stop you from pushing forward and always smiling! You were and are my hero!! Even through Heaven I still learn from you! I love you with all my heart and so much more!

Wishing you the happiest birthday with Jesus in Heaven! And looking forward to the day we can spend it together again and I can hold you in my arms! Sending you on butterfly wings a million bear hugs and a trillion Angel kisses!!
Mommy Happy 15th Birthay! May 24, 2014
WOW~I truly can't believe you would be 15 today! Like always I woke up early this morning and just reminisced about when you were born and past birthdays...as i recalled every event I was overcome with anger (something I haven't felt in some time)....you were taken way too soon!!!! You were robbed soooo much in life, even long before you were called to Heaven!! And I couldn’t do a thing to protect you….I’m so deeply sorry Katelyn!!

I try to imagine what you would be like, look like, and what kind of activities/hobbies you would have. Who wold you look like now at 15? I cannot put into words exactly what I am feeling and thinking…nothing seems to even come close to the pain. But like always I put on a smile, for YOU, push through and honor you in whatever way I can! This year we did our usual balloon release at the cemetery counting to “15” before releasing and singing happy birthday…then of course a water gun fight! ;) Wondering how far the balloons will make it this year!

Katelyn, some say time heals…I totally disagree, time makes it different and sometimes it seems harder! I love you so very much, to the ends of the earth plus so much more! I’m sending you a billion Angel kisses and a trillion bear hugs and desperately wishing there was some sort of visitation in Heaven! I love you baby and in my heart you will live on forever and never forgotten!!!! Happy Birthday my sweet Angel!

Mommy Mothers Day 2013 May 23, 2013

Mothers Day 2013-Sunday May 12th


So you told Hailey you would come visit and you did just that!! I would like to know sweet pea, why it is that you always have something to do with keys missing or being locked in cars???


After church Lupe and I ran to Wal-Mart to grab a few groceries. After we were finished I put the groceries in the driver side back seat..then threw my purse in the driver seat (with the door still ajar) and put the cart up and went to go put Lupe in her car seat…low and behold my car door shut and all the doors locked!! My purse, cell phone, and keys are sitting on the driver seat! I go back in to Wal-Mart and call Fred, our neighbor, ask him to break into our house, grab my spare keys and bring them to me. We have amazing and wonderful neighbors!!!! I go back to the front of the store waiting for Fred and it hit me…KATELYN!!!! You had done this!! I instantly remembered the incident of daddy’s motorcycle keys the night before your funeral, and the multiple times my car got locked at the cemetery and knew you were behind this too!! I literally started laughing out loud!!! My baby came to visit me on Mothers Day!!! What an awesome God moment!!


I love you baby so very much!! I ALWAYS love my “visits” from you….but seriously can you send me a hug or do something sweet…its always ornery!!! ;) LOL Honestly I wouldn’t have it any other way…that is who you were and will always be!! My sweet precious Angel with a serious ornery streak! Loving you with all my heart!!

Mommy A visit from my Angel! May 7, 2013

Yesterday Aunt Ashley text me and said Hailey informed her that you were coming down in 6-days but not to worry because you knew the way down here! :) When I read this I couldn’t help but smile! If only I had the connection that Hailey has with you! But I will happily take whatever connection I can get, very very thankful!! I looked at the calender after reading this and six days would be Sunday...Mothers Day! My heart skipped a couple beats and I was instantly flooded with happiness and sadness at the same time! What a glorious God moment! Thank you Lord!!


I text Aunt Ashley and asked her to ask Hailey if you were coming to see me when you came…Hailey’s response was “uh yeah I believe so”! LOL All I have to say Miss Katelyn is you better!!!!! <3

I love you with all my heart and I ache for you every second of every day! <3

Mommy Thank You!! March 2, 2013

Saturday March 2, 2013

Aunt Ashley called me yesterday and said Hailey out of the blue started talking about you and a conversation the two of you had the last time she spent the night at our house!! Goosebumps!! So I told Aunt Ashley to tell her that the next time she spoke/saw you to tell you I wanted a “visit” from you and that I loved you so very much and missed you! To my surprise I got exactly what I asked for!!!


A guy, Rodney O’Brien, 250-miles away found one of your balloon tags from your birthday celebration last year, almost 10-months ago!!!! I pray he knows how much I appreciate and needed his simple act of extreme kindness by checking out your site and actually posting a comment!! He will never know grateful I am for that! It was God at work for sure!! J

When I read his post, I was started laughing and crying at the same time!! Your momma is a little crazy, but we already knew that! ;)


What an amazing sign!! THANK-YOU for “visiting” me!  Sending you on butterfly wings a million bear hugs and a trillion Angel kisses!!! Sweet dreams by precious Angel!!


Mommy Your a BIG SISTER!! March 2, 2013
Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Bringing your soon to be new sister, Lupe, home today from LA!! So many mixed emotions, I don’t know even where to begin! Definitely a bitter sweet!! I so deeply wish you were here to be apart of this! I know you are in spirit! I feel you all around us!! Thank you sweet pea!! I made the long difficult decision to give her your room!! I’m not going to lie, I went back and forth more times than a roller coaster! But I truly feel this is what you would have wanted! And it’s something I can give her of her BIG sister that she will never meet in this lifetime! She will be brought up knowing exactly who you are and feeling like she always knew you!! I know you will always look out for her!! I have faith you two will have a connection filled with love and a sisterly bond!! Loving you with all my heart!!  ♥


Mommy 5th Angelversary! March 2, 2013

Wednesday October 10, 2012


The worse day of my life was 5-yrs ago! Every time this dreadful month comes along I have a hard time being thankful! I want to be selfish…I want you HERE with ME!! Its self pity I know but no parent should ever loose a child!!! Its life yes but that doesn’t make it fair! Please my sweet Angel visit me!! Let me feel your spirit and your love!! ..If only I could have just one more day with you, one more hug, one more smile, and hear one more giggle! What I wouldn’t do to have just one more…


Always my Angel!! Loving you sweet pea more than life itself!

Mommy Off to LA! March 2, 2013

Wednesday October 3, 2012


Heading to California today!! Going to LA to meet your soon to be sister!! Can you believe it?? Please I pray my sweet baby girl be with us, give me your blessing!! Let Guadalupe feel your love and your spirit! She has been through so much hell in this life! She needs all the love and strength we can give! I couldn’t ask for a better guardian Angel for her!!


Please Katelyn, know no one will EVER take your place and I will always love you withALLmy heart!!! Because of YOU I have learned I have so much love to offer and it’s because of YOU and what you taught me that I knew I was to adopt!! Thank you my precious Angel for everything you have given me and taught me!

Mommy My baby is a teenager! March 2, 2013

Happy 13th Birthday!

Today my sweet precious teenager we are celebrating your 13th bday!! Wishing that it was a different celebration…one with you physically here…but none the less we are going to celebrate your life and honor your memory!! We’re having a slumber party! What girl doesn’t have a slumber party for her big 13?? J I can not believe I am now a mother of an official teenager! It feels like just yesterday daddy and I were welcoming you into this world!

Saturday May 26, 2012

So we kicked off the party, Friday by letting balloons off for you! I would have never believed what happened next if I wouldn’t have been there myself! 13 balloons got caught in our tree in the backyard! I was utterly amazed when we started counting how many had gotten caught in the tree! A special message from GOD! You were here with us!! We had a scavenger hunt which I know you would have loved! It was so much fun running around town looking for all these silly things! By the way we have some cheaters in our family! ;) Of course we had to have a pie eating contest w/ Mamaw, Aunt Ashley, & Aunt Connie, like the one we had for your 8th bday, your last bday with us! We had a nail painting contest and a makeup contest…even Uncle Jamie and Bob played along! And of course we had a few water fights and food fights! We stayed up all night talking and giggling. Madi got Mamaw & Bob with cool whip in the face in the morning and pranked people with a whoopi cushion! Katelyn you would have LOVED it! I think the whole party was just what you would have wanted!

It was so nice having everyone with me to celebrate! Everyone who came will never know how much it truly meant to me! I had something fun and positive to plan and look forward to this year instead of dreading your bday and thinking of all the pain and heartache!

Katelyn I love you so much! I’m sending you all the hugs and kisses in the world! I received the greatest gift EVER by being able to call myself your mom, I am so very proud and honored and extremely grateful!

Happy Birthday by sweet precious baby...No matter how old you are, you will always be “my baby”!

Mommy Katelyn's Cause!! March 2, 2013

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Our 2nd Annual Energy for Life Walk in Indianapolis! Weather definitely was not on our side for this walk! LOL But all for an amazing cause!! "Here's to praying for a cure!!"

Mommy Happy Easter 2012 April 8, 2012

Loving wishes my dear sweet Katelyn are relayed for you on this Easter Holiday,

And an added token of special love is also lovingly sent over your way!

You are treasured very much, you see, more than you may ever truly know.

Through all the years, with love and care we watched you grow.

Remember you are always thought of and the love and care is true!

Have a nice peaceful Easter Holiday from your family sent to Heaven just for you!!

I love you my sweet precious Angel!! You are NEVER far from my thoughts and ALWAYS in my heart!!
Love you Katelyn with all my heart plus soooo much more! Happy Easter baby!

Mommy Happy Valentines to my Sweet Sweet Angel! February 14, 2012
Tuesday February 14, 2012

                                                     Valentines...To Heaven

This Valentine is not the ordinary kind,

It's still filled with love...and blessings inside;

But mine has to be sent on the wings of love...

You see it's destination is the Heavens above. 

It's not being sent to my parents so dear,

For they are still with me each day of the year;

It's being sent to my daughter...who left earth to soon,

Who's now in the Heavens with the stars and the moon.

 The message is the same as your Valentine,

I Love You...my sweet precious child of mine;

My love is deeper than the ocean is blue,

And it's sent with hugs and kisses...from me to you. 

I know you are with me each and every day,

You listen as I talk to you...and hear what I say;

For that is one thing that death cannot do...

...you'll always be a part of me...and me a part of you. 

Happy Valentine's day sunshine...I miss you so much,

I know you know how many lives you have touched;

You'll always be mine...I Love You with ALL MY HEART,

I know we'll be together again...and then we'll never part.
So you see the meaning is still the same...

The method of delivery is the only change;

Mine must be sent by a little white dove...

On the wings of HEAVENLY LOVE!

Happy Valentines Day Katelyn!! I love you with ALL my heart today and ALWAYS!

Mommy Merry CHRISTmas to my sweet Angel! December 25, 2011

Sunday December 25, 2011  

Had a good day today remembering all our good times together! Wishing with all my heart we were spending this Christmas together or that I could go back into time to when you were here with me! But for now I hold my memories of you in a very special and sacred place until the day we are together again…and we WILL be my precious Angel!! Loving you with all my heart and sending you a million Bear hugs and a trillion Angel kisses up to Heaven on butterfly wings!!
Merry Christmas my sweet, sweet Katelyn!!

"Twas' the month before Christmas and I dreaded the days, that I knew I was facing-the holiday craze. The stores were all filled with holiday lights, in hopes of drawing customers by day and by night. As others were making the holiday plans, my heart was breaking-I couldn't understand. I had lost my dear child a few years before, and I knew what my holidays had in store. When out of nowhere, there arose such a sound, I sprang to my feet and was looking around. Away to the window I flew like a flash, Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash. The sight that I saw took my breath away, and my tears turned to smiles in the light of the day. When what to my wondering eyes should appear, but a cluster of butterflies fluttering near. With beauty and grace they performed a dance, I knew in a moment, this wasn't by chance. The hope that they gave me was a sign from above. That my child was still near me and that I was loved. The message they brought was my holiday gift. And I cried when I saw them in spite of myself. As I knelt closer to get a better view, one allowed me to pet it -as if it knew- that I needed the touch of its fragile wing, to help me get through the holiday scene. In the days that followed, I carried the thought, of the message the butterflies left in my heart- That no matter what happens or what days lie ahead, our children are with us-they're not really dead. Yes, the message of the butterflies still rings in my ears, a message of hope-a message so dear, and I imagined they sang as they flew out of sight. "To all bereaved parents ~ we love you tonight."

Happy Thanksgiving! Thursday November 24, 2011
Happy Thanksgiving to my sweet precious baby!! I am sooo extremely thankful that I got the amazing privilege of being YOUR mom and that we had the wonderful 8-yrs 4-months and 16-days together!!! You taught me a lifetime of love, courage, and strength!!!!
To think what our Thanksgiving was like just 5-yrs ago…..literally just getting home from Florida, your Wish Trip, to meet Cinderella and see her castle!! What an absolutely awesome experience for you and for us as a family! Talk about us all being sooo indescribably thankful!! I couldn’t have pictured a better last Thanksgiving with you my baby girl!!!
I am trying so hard to be upbeat and think about all the good times we had and I really am and I am forever grateful…BUT….I want to be selfish and I want you HERE with me!! We should be together, me holding you and enjoying the quiet morning!! My heart is broken into a million pieces and as much I try to put them together I think you took those pieces with you! This is our fifth Holiday without you...you should be here!! It’s just NOT fair!!!! I shouldn’t have to tell stories to all you cousins so they’ll feel like they knew you…you should be HERE playing with them, you should be here with me!!!
Give grandpa and grandma(s) a big hug from me and make sure to give yourself a triple hug!  I love you all so very much and miss you so very deeply!! Happy Thanksgiving!
Sunday October 31st, 2011
My sweet baby I wish you were here with me so desperately! I miss you so very very much!!! I struggle sometimes trying to find you in things. I stood in the shower the other day staring at your soap (yes its still in the shower…I can’t brig myself to pitch or use it), I opened it and smelled it trying to grasp whatever I could of you and our times together! I sooo desperately miss you and long for the day I can hug you and hear your laugh!! My heart is so unbearably heavy for you!!
Thank you so much for the visit at your 4th Angelversary! You absolutely know how much I needed that and to laugh and know it was ok! Any only YOU could be behind it!! ;) You are MY daughter!!! I love you with all my heart plus so much more!! Im sending you a million bear hugs and a trillion Angel kisses up to heaven on a butterflies wings!!
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